As a writer we get to this point where we sit at the keyboard and stare down at it listening to its empty echo. Yes, we fall into the writer’s block rabbit hole. You know, you just can’t think of anything to write and the frustration becomes unbearable.
There are some who claim that there is no such thing as “writer’s block (WB),”and in some aspects of their argument, I can’t disagree.
For example, I’m sitting at the keyboard with a full blown case of the WB, and the words about it are pouring out in this article. Hell, if I really set my mind to it, I could write about how I can’t find a thing to write about and be writing if that makes sense. So, yes, maybe the WB is the ultimate BS.
On the other hand, you may differ, but when I sit down to write, I try to have something meaningful to say either through nonfiction or fiction via story or screenplay. Writing is not easy.
But I like to think that writers write because they have something to say or do. And writing about how I can’t write is something, but I might not walk away from that fulfilling my creative need. You see, writers don’t write because it’s just something to do, writers write because they have to. And because they are duty bound by that need, it has got to mean something to them. So having the WB is something real for me, but why?
I’m sure that you will agree that being “meaningful” is a mindset. It’s a thought pattern. And as many researchers have surmised, thinking is something uniquely human. My dog Kairo doesn’t think about what time he gets up in the morning, he gets up to be let outside.
So what are thoughts? They have to be something, right? They have to mean something, right? I think about what time I wake up in the morning because I have things to dictated by time. Thoughts motivate me. In essence, thoughts are the fuel for our lives. I challenge you to do anything today without thinking about it. That is to say they don’t have to be smart, but they are pushing you as to how your life-engine will run. And if thoughts are that powerful, thoughts are a thing. Thoughts are a serious thing and can be ruinous. If you’re car isn’t diesel and you put diesel fuel into that tank, see what happens.
“You’re so stupid.”
I say that to myself all the time when I do something I feel is not so bright. I’m human.
Do you say that to yourself? Guess what? That’s a thought. From this point on, count how many times you do that in your day. Repeat it enough times and that becomes part of your fuel for your day.
Thoughts are energy which we know from school can neither be created or destroyed. We may think they exist as nothing but contained in our heads, but they have to go somewhere and being just in our heads is bad enough because it’s thoughts that drive us.
To get me out of the WB, I have to change my thinking. Yes, easier said than done I know. But it’s a thought. It’s a thing and it’s extremely powerful. How do I know this? Well, I have 573 words in this article to prove it.